The Fleeca Job is very easy and can be done with randoms on hardmode. Luckly you need just another player. Disadvantage is you earn less then in other heist. You can earn over 100k in an houres. In the coolddown time you have to do other missions. IF you can do this with a friend you can reduce the cooldown drasticly both can host in sequence.
The hoster have to pay in general the job and the helper get for the missions arround 10k. The pay out should be 60% for the hoster and 40% helper. With friends I make 50% / 50 %

Scout the Bank

After Lester introduce you in his plan you go with his car to scout the bank.
Druing driving he explain you everything. The co-driver has to hack on the way back 3 tutorials.
They were alot easier then the one in the real haist. If you play with remote play don't hack as its got really hard thanks to small lags. When you arrive at lesters office you have to bring the equipment to your house.

Steal the Karuma

In the preperation steal the Karuma you have to steal it at park roof near Mazebank west. This car has a very good protection against handfireguns. A south korean crew protect this car, you shouldn't underestimate them.
The best situation is if one of you allready have the Karuma or the Duke O' Death.
If these cars weren't avaiable stay behind coverage. As soon you have a free way to the Karuma take it an escape.
They will attack you but as the car is very fast an you will be well protected drive to lesters factory.
The Damages doesen't count for the final Elite rank.

Final Phase I

The final phase hase two parts. One player is the driver the other is the hacker and driller.
Driver is easier but don't estimate the second phase. The team has to pick up the Karuma.
Drivers task is to drive fast to the bank and do less damages to the car. (just for elite tasks)
Pleas notice how more you crash into other cars how more "laggy it get for the hacker".
The hacker has to hack in 3 mini games the system. If some bodey is new let them time. As soon the hacker open the safe with the mobile the second part starts.

Final Phase II

In the second phase of the final you run in the bank. The driver have to shoot the cameras and the driller go to the lock box. Importent is hostages should not be hurt. You have to target all four hostages with you gun to keep the cooperation level high. At the end this have to get faster as the line drops faster.  The driller starts with drilling you can drill at high speed just look that the preassure with the joystick don't get to high.
If the drille get red it will over heat and you have to do a short break.
After the driller got the box both have to run to the Karuma and start escape.
Lester organized you a getaway guy with a cargobob and a magnet this will pull you up and you fly away.
With this method you will earn with loading times 71'000k (50% shares). If you do this with a friend and both host you will make in 70min 142'000 GTA$. After this you have one hour cooldown.