Passiv Money Making Method


At the beginning i like to thank you Lipsylive for this method. He have many good youtube videos. The target is to earn money  passiv. The amounts were per hour lesser then other methods. But as you can let this passiv run with 10 min spending time you will do at least 400'000 - 1'500'000 in 24 houres. The only things what your need is a friend or access to a second account on an other Playsation.
To start the whole method you have to download Rockstar social club the capture mode playing list.

Youe find this list in the link below:

Start in the ingame menu at play list the playlist Lipsylive capture. This are 16 phases with 7 rounds.
The get the 7 rounds the inviting charakter hast to stay in invite only lobby.

In the capture mode

Both player have to block the controller like in the picture on the right side.
You have to take a coin what covers square and x.
To fix it i recommand a wide hair tie what press the coin to square and x. The second must have hair tie has to press the joystick in the walking direction.
If you let the adjustment like here if both have the same sex winning will be randomly.

In the capture mode

The charakter who should win can be let with the adjustments abbove.
The character who should loose need a small adjustment in the joystick. The joystick should let the charcter slightly walk at the wall direction.

Even the sex of the charcter has an effekt who wins.
Female characters were all the time faster then male.
To let the capture mode run the whole day i recommend you tho plug in the controller.


Problems what can appear:

Connection lost during absence

The main reason for this connection los is if the coin has not enough pressaure to the both buttons.
In this time the hair tie is to weak and have to be replaced. I had this too sometimes with new ones but in general they are good. If you use this method regularly you have to change the hair ties all month.

A second possible reason could be the charakter walks to strong against the wall an the system recognize you are afk. In this case  a charkter never should stuck druing a round.

The Third possibility is if there are updates like at Tuesday the same is if the saving is not possible at rockstar cloud servers.

In general i have at max. 2 lost connections in a week if there were no new update.