To beginn with the import / export business you have to own an office and a car stoarage (has nothing to do with the Garages in the office). You can buy this storages in your office computer under car trading. This storages has all the same capacity. The price is just connected with the place you won't make more money.
To get cars you have to do pruchase missions they are in general very easy. I would recommend for beginner the cheapeast ware house. You have there later the possibility to land with the cargo bob and it's good conected.

Pruchase a CAR

To Purchase a car go in your office and start at your computer a car purchase mission.
You will get different missions in general you have to clean the area arround the car. Notice every damage what the car get you have to puy during storage process. This will not be avoidable until you have the cargobob.
If the NPCS attacke you aslong you are driving don't fight. IF you have missions what you don't like bypass them by new session. I bypassed in general the blain county and racing missions.


Mission Car with a BomB

You can expect this mission if a car stands alone.
There won't come any enemie but if you get too slow the car blow up.
Stay over 90MPH and try to stay at long streets and not to cash other cars.
After two minutes the bomb is declined and you can bring the car in the storage. If you crash a car don't worry the bomb need some seconds to load up. So you will have enoug time to increaese the speed.



At the Stuntshow you have to silence kill the bodeyguards. To be faster kill them and cancel the police with lester. Take the car and boost over the ramp. Don't touch the joystick if you use the boost.
After you jump the npc crew will hunt you.



Race against Time

In this mission you nearly get the car as a gift. But you have to beat the time. If you are not a really good driver i would change the lobby.




The Car is on the route

This cars are similar to steal like special cargo trucks. The best way is you take them at a red light or block the car infornt of the target. This keeps them quiet. IF you reached the car you will need time to open and throw the driver out of the car.


Find the Car on the FOto

You will get the foto by a sms you will see wehre around this car will be. In this area you have to find and search it. After a while you will get help form your asistant.




In this mission you will follow a karuma. Take a look that you don't come to close or to far away.
When you arrive the crew quater you have to kill the enemies and steal the car. After a while they will come after you. I would recommend to fill up the HP with snacks if necessary.




In this missions you have to kill the driver and take the car. The diffculty is some cars have small window at the rear or are not any possible to shoot from rear like the Zenturno. In generally i recomend to skip the mission.



The Police pursuit is very similar to the racing track event. The only difference is the driver has the police as followers. If you really like to take the car the best way is to block it. And shoot the driver out.
I would recomend to skip this mission.
You can identify this mission in generally with the helicopter lights of the polic helicopter.



Storage Cars Without any costs

If you like to store cars without any damages costs you need a second character. The best would be with a cheap garage or house. As you have to take all the money in the pocket. Keep just 3.5k at the account the rest comes in pocket. You now start to purchase the car before you store it you need to reach a damage over the amount. At the end the mechanic will do a free repair as you haven't enough money. This trick is a good option if you prepare big sales. IF you make a purchase and a sale i don't make sence to do this.

Car Sale

The car sale can get started at the car storage. You log in at the laptop and choose the sale. If you have more people you can  sale collections. IF you haven't a collection or sale alone i would recommend the special dealer option what cost for 20k upgrade cost a payout of 100k with high value cars. The mission will run all the time in the same style bring the car to a place and don't care about the npc attackers. This is the only business what i would recommend to use in normal lobbys. Better would be a solo lobby. After every single sale you have a cooldown of 20 minutes.
After the sale i started the mission unfriendly takeover. This give you additonal 17k and need 7- 10 minutes time.
In one houre i could sale 3 cars and make the mission what bring me arround 236'000 GTA $ per hour.
Sometimes you will get standard cars that's why i all time had more then 5 to 10 cars. In general you will do 150'000 - 236'000 GTA$ per hour.

This business is very easy and need for the high sale profit less investment costs.