To play Finance and Felony and later CEO connected businesses you need a office and to increase the efficenty  later  a buzzard too.
You can buy a office at Dynasty 8 executivs. An advantage of the office is you can start the Ceo mode without any money at the account. Additional you will be able to repair the buzzard. The additional options like a safe or a weaponrack are not really valuable. With the living room you got a spawnpoint direct in the office. This helps for import / export or crates supply. A cheaper method is to buy an appartment with office direct in the neighbour hood. With lesters heist active you can port your self direct to the appartment in the best way run over the street and arein your office. This will be important if you do import / export or crate sales. For beginners I would recommend the Mazebank West and the Appartment Delperro heights. If you have the CEO mode active your attackable by players.


In the mission sightseer you have to search 3 cases by solving 3 minigames.
You can to this misson at a crew server or at the invite only server.
If you haven't a buzzard you can use a helicopter which spawn as soon you get 10+. Or you rent a buzzard for 25k in the CEO menu. The mission has a timer of 15 minutes you in general you need less time. You will get arround 20000 GTA$.

CEO MIssion Headhunter and Result

In the mission „Headhunter“ you have to elimate 5 enemies. If you are new or not a well trained pilot start the missions in blaine county this make them alot easier.
At least you need for this mission a buzzard, there are other vehicles would go but in general they were more expensive with equipement then a buzzard. This mission give you arround 23'000 GTA$.

If you make the mission sight seer and headhunter  you can make per houres 100'000 - 135'000 GTA$.
This value is gradable with training and cost reduction threw buying the buzzard and safe the rents.
In the cooldowntime you can sale a car to increase your proft.
If you haven't a buzzard but a Karuma you can replace headhunter with hostile take over at LSA this mission bring you 17'000 GTA$ what will decrease you hourley profit.

Ceo Crates Stoarege and purchasing

To make CEO crates pruchasing and selling you neeed a storage (there were small, middle and big ones).
This kind of processing make just sence if you are able to create a solo lobby. Or you allready invested the money.
The prices for the stoarge are connected with the location and the sice. How bigger it is how higher the crates value will come for sell. If you make this crates bussines without friends i would recommend you to purchase a small and a middle one. The sell prices will increase per step so you fill this ware houses and sell if full.
As you would have middle and a small you are able to make the missions solo. Through you have 2 warehouses you can purchase without cooldown.
If you do the crate puchasing mission solo i would recommand you to buy 2 crates per mission aslong you have the buzzard. In my test phase what goes over 10'000'000 sales in total. I was faster with 2 crates per houres then with 3 crates.
As an example can we take the trackify mission with 3 crates you have more targets to scan then with 2 crates.

If you have a team i recommend 3 crates as you can safe the time with the pickup.
Purchase price
1 crate 2‘000 GTA$ per crate
2 crate 4‘000 GTA$ per crate
3 crate 6‘000 GTA$ per crate
Stoarge value of the full warehouse without high value items(golden)):

Small storage full 240'000 GTA$
Cost wihout any lose during purchasing with two crates per pruchasing mission is 64'000 GTA$
Middle storage full 735'000 GTA$
Cost wihout any lose during purchasing with two crates per pruchasing mission is 64'000 GTA$
Big storage full 2'145'000 GTA$
Cost wihout any lose during purchasing with two crates per pruchasing mission is 444'000 GTA$


A small and middle storage you easily can supply them alone. Per houre you will do between 150'000 and 200'000 GTA$ without high value crates.

To purchase this crates you have to login at your CEO office computer.
The next step is to enter in the crate purchasing tab and choose the storage room where you like to supply and how many then press purchase. In easier missions you can take the crate or the vehicle with crates inside and bring to the warehoues. If there were multiple packages you have to fly between warehouse and mission area.
Some missions like the mission where airplane grounded are fast done. Just clear the area and bring the crates home. Other mission what were special will be explained later. Just be carefull if you use the buzzard near allready spawned crates the rockets can destoy them. If you have to kill the enemie first you can to this with the buzzard. After pruchase you can fly back our use the lester teleport option.

Police observation

If you see this fib cars in fornt of a crate transporter it is trap. In this case go to the transporter and before you enter call lester as soon as you are avaiable to cancel the police stars enter and cancel.
Just be carefull after they start to drive away if you crash them everything starts form new and you will have cooldown.

Purchase TraP

If you see at a pruchase place two trucks at the exits this is a gang trap.
As soon as you would go in they block you and try to kill you. In this case destoy them with the buzzard and clear carefully the way. After this go with transporter to the ware house. They will stil attack you but you easily can get rid of them if you drive at the incoming lane.


Thiefs get Your crates

In this mission you will find a empty truck after this get the targets at the mini map.
Kill them with rockets and bring the crates back.



On the SEA

The game give you the message drive out to the sea. I recommend you take the buzzard kill first the small boast and then sailing ship. Wait short while if buzzard spawn and kill it if not start to pickup the crates.
To pick them up with the helicopter fly over them and glide smoothly with the skids to the crates.
It can be the skids come in water but don't go to deep or your helicopter will sink. If the helicopter got destoryed take the boat to transport and spawn asap a new one on land.

Search Crates

In some mission you just get a searching area. You have search in the circle the crates after a while you assitant will help you.  It helps to if you hear near one crate is all the time an injured gangster.
At they way back you got again attacked but with the buzzard you won't have any problem.


Sniper Job

In this mission the game say you have to kill 3 people by sniperrifle. Make the life easy and take the buzzard to kill them after they are gone call lester to stop the cops. At the end you will get the location for the transporter and can drive in the warehouse.


With Trackify you have to track the enemys and check with car has the crates.
As the enemy is moving you have to hover with the buzzard over the transporter and wait what the message is.
If its correct block if possible the car in front of the target with the buzzard and hijack the crate transporter.



Sometimes you have a transport what is taken by gangs or by the police. In this cases its very important you don't crash with the target as they go to escape then. The best way is to block the car in fornt of them and to hijack the Transporter. If its the police van hijack it and drive some meters then let the second officer our and call lester to cancel the cops. Very few times the transporter is in "escape mode" you will see this if it never hold at red lights and drives very fast. In this cases join in a new session and write off the money what paid for the mission. You will be faster with the wirte off as you can do 1.5 missions more in this time.

Storage SALE

After you warehouses were full you can sell the crates. To do that go to the Laptop in the ware house and press the ammount waht you like to sell. In a solo lobby i recomnd you with the middle and the small one the sell at full stock. How smaller the sale is how longer you have time until you will be shown at the map.
If one of the sales vehicles got damaged the mission ends and the rest crates will brought back.
Be carefully with airplanes sales they are sometimes very difficult you can change it if you go in new session but you will lose 2 crates. This is at own risk but i never had troubles. After the sell you get the money if it's in the pocket transfer it at the bankaccount. In 10'000'000 crates sale at had one time thiefs in my ware house as i sell all the time after the warehouse was full and doesn't keep it long.
You will able to do 150'000 - 200'000GTA$ per hour.