Gunrunning aRMSDEALER

Enter in the Gunrunning Business

You can directly start to produce weapons in Gunrunning after you bought the bunker.
It was the first business which you could run as VIP, CEO or Biker president. The research just bring you more equipment and not increase your money output.
This equipment can help you later, if you later like to use a vehicle like the oppressor.

Ressources Sourcing

To refil your bunker storage i would recommend to use the buzzard. If you have a full upgraded bunker it is possible to with buying to increase stocks you will still make a good profit. The missions were in general all the time the same. You start at the terminal the ressource mission and go to the mission area.
In general you have to bring a vehicle back or a crate.



In this cases you have to get the ressource vehicle in Lossantos and bring it back to the bunker.
If you got attacked by NPCs just drive through.




TANK Supplying

The tank suppling gives the first impression to drive the tank direct in the bunker. It depend how long the driving distance to your bunker is, if its possible to drive or if you have to use the cargobob.
The cargobob are in this missions very near to the tank.
If the cargobob got damaged you should release the tank before the cargobob is to heavy damaged.
Normaly you should be able to drive the rest.


Supply the Karin technical

In this mission you have to reach an area.
The Karin technical will be protected by a team.
You have to clean the zone and drive back to the bunker.
During your way back to the bunker you will be attacked by npcs if you were solo don't fight.

Prototyp Rifle

This mission is very difficult.
There where several locations where you could get it.
The easier version is in the harbor in a storage room.
If you own a MTW or a tank you can clean this area very easily.
At least you need a Karuma the problem is if you die the rifle will be destroyed.
Human Labs is the second area you can not use there a vehicle but there were less enimies.
At best prepare at the exit a buzzard or tanked vehicle to escape safe.

Ressources AT THE SEA

This mission is the best mission if you have a deluxo or a sea sparrow.
At least you need a mtw to make this mission effectiv.
If you havent any of this vehicles you should skip this mission by lobby changing.



Merrywether Convoy

The Merrywether convoy is the most difficult mission as you have to destroy several armed insurgents and hijack the  tranporting insurgent. In general I skip this mission. As strategie I would destroy the bodey guards and drive be shouting with a fast vehicle an hijack the insurgent.

Merrywether Destroy Storageplaces

You find the places at the LSA or at the Waterworks.
Clearn the area and destroy the crates with stickybombs and after everything is destroyed you will get the coordinates for supply deliviery.


All Arms sale have the same pattern.
You have to bring the delivery to several places.
In solo lobbys the missions were in general very easy.
You should sell during 150 - 200 k in Lossantos this avoid you to get more then one vehicle.
There is just one mission what is more difficult than the other.
In this mission you have to use an insurgent in the delivery circle a scrambler is active and provide you to show up at the map.
After the sale you have to escape from the saleing place.

The money what you can earn is depneding on the upgrade level of the bunker.
In one houre you will do 70k - 100k per houre.
If you combine the business with ceo missions you can get up to 150k or with the biker business..
It is possible to combine this business with biker too.

Mobile Commandcenter

The mobile commandcenter can be purchased for over 1.5 mio GTA$.
There were special equipment modules. The MOC will be stored in the bunker.
During you buy this MOC you should choose the correct towing vehicle. To change this later it will cost more than a million again.

The MOC can be equiped with a complete weapon workshop for vehicles and weapons.
THis module nid two of thre slots.
Additional you can choose a lviing module or a command center. In the Living module or the command center you can start special discount missions for the gunrunning vehicles. Empty slots stay empty but were still passable.
The last module is a garage space it hase the same function like a normal garage. You can store your personal vehicle in the moc. If the MOC will be destroyed it go back to the bunker an can be called again after while.