BUY a Biker Club House

You can buy the clubhouse in the smartphone browser under Maze bank fore closures.
In this tab you will find bunkers and iaa bases too. I would recommend to buy the clubhouse in the area where you will start your production later. I took in the past blaincounty. Blaincountry has the cheepest pruchase prices for produciton buildings. In my time there i got less attacked, the most player are to lazzy to come up. Additional if you see Lossantos is a hotzone sell in blaine county with less profit but much safer.
The locations in Lossantos are more expensive but you will have shorter distances for puchasing in general.
Negativ is you are in the hot zone in public lobbys. In comparing with the Finance and Felony sell missions if you lose a sell vehicle the mission is not canceled just the value is destroyed.

Biker Production

To buy production sights you have to in the clubhouse and pruchase them at the laptop.
Notice the price and location has no effect to the production output.
In my test i had the cheapest money printery, cocaine- and methlabratorie on maximum production level.
Every production building has 3 Upgrades they will increase your cost at least with around 50% in total.

Security upgrade:
The Secuirty upgrade give you a better protection against police razzias and competitors.
In my test i had in 12'000'000 GTA$ more razzias in the production without this upgrade and there was just one competitor raid to a labratorie. Against the competiors i could safe the ressources against the competiors if the police came i had los of the production value.

Staff upgrade
The Staff upgrade increase you production speed.

Equipment upgrade
The Equipment upgrade increase the produciton speed and value of the product.

Product Supplying

As soon as you start the production you have to check the raw material stocks. This stocks hold 40 - 60 minutes
The production facilitys cost you a amount during they are active even if they havent stocks.
You can buy raw materail or steal it. I would recommend steal it. All the time i pruchased it i had soon the police razzia. In the pruchase mission you get alone a crate (1 unit) or a transporter gives (2 units).
THe Production facility produce over time so you need more facilitys to max out your profit.
Alone are three facilitys enough to supply you can't do much more else.

The missions are all the time the same still go to a place kill the enemies and bring the crate or the transport vehicle back. They will attack you at the way back you can confuse them offroad as they sometimes have problems with the pathfinding. Just be carefull if you go with very heavy vehicles offroad that you not get stucked.

With the cheapest facilitys in BC you have advantage of a airfield near your facility too this safe you money and you can "lean out helicopters".



I don't wont do make any illusion, if you have access to a solo lobby you will be faster with solo crates or import export sales. And if you compare how long you need until you get the money back they are alot better too. This meaning exclude owner of the starterpack as they have money printery in what can be used very good with the bunker.
As a team i can recommend biker. You will be able to fill up in short time so you will be able to fill up for both presidents. To skip production time you can look television in the clubhouse or make missions. As long you are in Online the facility will produce.


In one hour you create the following amounts.

Cocaine production(all upgrades):
Turnover = 56'000 GTA$
+50%     = 28'000 GTA$
         = 84000 GTA$

Meth production (without security upgrade):
Turnover =  35'700 GTA$
+50 %    =  17'850 GTA$
         =  53'550 GTA$

Money production(all upgrades):
Turnover = 34'300 GTA$
+50 %    = 17'150 GTA$
         = 51'450 GTA$

With this productions you will get in one houre a turnover of 189'000 if you fill the productions alone you will not have any capacity in one houre to make other missions. If you act as a team there will be time to make for both a refil and maybe make some other missions. This depend at your eqiupment.

Product SALE

The sale mission have to be launched in every production building integrated laptop.
If you are alone i wouldn't wait to long with the sale. If you have a big sale and you have to make the mission with the garbagetruck or the post van you will get problems with the time. In the sale missions you will get Dodowaterairplanes, garbagetrucks, postalvans, bikes, boats and helicopters.
If you have more then one vehicle you have to go back and deliver the second one. Thats why its good if you play in a solo session.

Special cases in sale missions:
If you delivery bikes and delivery point is at a open place like a park you can be shure it will be a trap and you have to get away after you reach the point and make your self ready to call lester if you are out of range to get the cops away.
Dodoairdelivery fly under the radar. If you have this circumstances you have fly in the under parter of the alimeter. It is enough dep in the under third of the radar.
Postvan delivery with a long distance to the last point over 3 kilometers. In this case stop at the 4 point finish the second van. You better lose one package then the whole rest in the second van.